Legal Notice

As holder and organisation responsible for this web site, Probrava Group in accordance with Article 10 of Act 34/2002 (dated 11th July) concerning internet, web services and related information offers users the following general information.

Probrava Group (PROYECTOS NÁUTICOS COSTA BRAVA 2014, S.L.) with its head office based at: Ctra. De Figueres a Roses C-260,Km 34.4, 17486 Castelló d’Empúries (Girona). It is listed in the Registro Mercantil de Girona, Tomo: 2999, Folio: 164, Sección: 8, Hoja Registral: 57382, Inscripción: 6, with the B55217186 CIF.

All enquiries or complaints regarding members’ web sites, information, products or services can be forwarded to the following address:

Probrava Group
Ctra. De Figueres a Roses C-260,Km 34.4
17486 Castelló d’Empúries (Girona)
Tel.: 972 45 08 77